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ecomprism Introduction

ecomprism Description

Prism app is a portal for amazon sellers to easily manage their catalog listings and inventory across their marketplaces all in one place. To ensure that all products are in the right place and at the right time, Prism software routinely syncs seller inventory data and order data across marketplaces per account. We achieve this in 2 steps:

1) Sync listings across marketplaces to prevent backorders.

2) Predict purchase orders when inventory is projected to run low.

To elaborate further, Prism follows the product cycle from the beginning to the end, i.e. what Prism is doing in the backend is tracking the listings through orders and tracking the global inventory values in near-realtime for customers. By tracking sales across all marketplaces, we are able to resolve an exact inventory at any time with global sales.

Once the global inventory and global sales are reconciled, we can run an analysis to forecast purchase orders. Brand owners can have multiple vendors across multiple countries since their catalog listings can span between 100 to 1000 SKU's each coming from numerous vendors.

The data we collect will allow our forecast algorithms to anticipate sales volumes which allows us to notify sellers when products may run low in inventory. We go one step further by suggesting and generating purchase orders in advance, so we can ensure customers' products are shipped in a timely manner year-round.

ecomprism Features

  • Generate sales forecasts to help predict when seller inventory is running low
  • Track shipments coming directly from vendor to reconcile global inventory
  • Sync prices across marketplaces

ecomprism Functionality

  • Listing
  • Automated Pricing
  • Inventory and Order Management
  • Shipping Solutions
  • ecomprism Pricing

    Free for core functionality

    Who should use ecomprism

    • Brand owners
    • Brand managers
    • Wholesalers
    • Small mom and pop shops

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