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JoyingBox Introduction

JoyingBox Description

Joyingbox provides cross-border small- to medium-sized sellers with integrated warehousing services. After the store receives authorization from the customer, store products and orders pending shipment that belong to the customer are sent to the Joyingbox system. Purchase orders are then sent for any goods that have been ordered but are not in stock. After the purchase is received at the warehouse, shipping is arranged by the Joyingbox system—shipping information is automatically sent to the store by the system.

JoyingBox Features

  • Product listing publication: Support for the publication of single and batch product listings on Amazon, data collection, data migration, publication of listings from existing product pages, and the editing of single and batch products online.
  • Order processing: Supports order synchronization, printing freight forwarders’ documentation, submitting logistics information to platforms, order rules, logistics tracking and multi-channel shipment from FBA warehouses.
  • Procurement management: smart purchasing, manual purchasing, purchasing and supply-chain relationship management.
  • Warehouse management: Storage management for inbound and outbound shipments, shelf position management, management of multiple warehouses, quality inspection for received goods, and packaging materials management.
  • Logistics management: Support for mainstream logistics providers, and estimations of shipping costs for logistics channels.
  • Statistical data: store performance, sales statistics, customer distribution and PPC data.

JoyingBox Functionality

  • Listing
  • Inventory and Order Management
  • Shipping Solutions
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    Joyingbox is free to use

    Who should use JoyingBox

      All Amazon Pro stores. Currently only a Chinese-language interface is offered, suitable for users that can read Chinese. We recommended using the Google Chrome browser. Not compatible with Internet Explorer or any domestic Chinese browsers, including the 360 browser.

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