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Advigator Introduction

Advigator Description

Advigator is a software for Amazon sellers that manages advertising campaigns, analyzes search term reports, adds new keywords and sets optimal bids all by itself.

Advigator Features

  • Campaign set up: Advigator get your products and prepares two advertising campaigns for each one including all its variations (e.g. size, color etc.)
  • Keywords Analysis: Advigator every day analyzes advertising reports and adds new search terms to campaigns only if they meet the criteria of the strategy you have chosen
  • Bid Optimization: Advigator analyzes each keyword's conversion rates and click-through rate (CTR%) to choose the optimal bid that will reduce long-term ACoS without losing sales in the short-term

Advigator Functionality

  • Advertising
  • Advigator Pricing

    5% of advertising monthly spend (only our campaigns)

    Who should use Advigator

    • Amazon seller with an active Amazon Advertising account

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