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旺店通跨境版 Introduction

旺店通跨境版 Description

Seven main system modules: Products, Orders, Purchasing, Inventories, Statistics, Finance and Customer Service.

Multiple system features: Customized product management; multi-level sub-account creation and management; flexible features and multi-level permissions setup; commission calculation by category; virtual package management; multi-channel purchasing; overseas warehouse management; FBA management; financial settlement management; comprehensive warehouse inventory tracking and management.

1. The platform supports the automatic retrieval of new orders generated, so you don’t miss any orders that arrive. 2. Dynamic matching of products on the system to those on the platform, so that you avoid sending out the wrong items. 3. Automatic selection of warehouse logistics for orders based on current inventory, which saves on manpower. 4. Dynamic monitoring of order status and information, with automatic adjustment once there is information regarding receipt. 5. The system automatically monitors order anomalies, automatically blocking returns and refunds, to save on costs. 

1. Batch management of invoices, with highly efficient batching for commodities, to avoid missing or repeating orders. 2. Support for two inspection methods: barcode scanning and image recognition, making things simple and efficient. 3. Weighing data is automatically read and saved. Logistics information is automatically sent back to the platform. 4. A unique secondary packaging feature, supporting domestic logistics, in order to meet demands for centralized collection. 5. The system automatically monitors order abnormalities, automatically blocking returns and refunds, to save on costs. 

 1. The system automatically monitors for order anomalies, automatically sending requests for cancellations to warehouses overseas when there is a return or refund, to avoid delivery errors. 2. After a delivery has been successfully completed, you can search and manage shipping information within the ERP. 3. The system records deductions from the ongoing inventories, and can display the differences between system inventories and overseas warehouse inventories. This helps you to easily keep track of reasons for discrepancies in inventories. 

 The smart delivery strategy is centered on the stores that are in operation. You can set up a wide range of order delivery strategies, saving on the time and cost of processing orders manually, and improving order review efficiency. Strategic data isolation for different stores, in order to avoid mutual interference. Strategy trees are also displayed vertically, to show warehouses, logistics, inventory synchronization, inventory alerts, and so on. The strategies are kept separate from each other for logical clarity, stronger targets, secondary modification, and high maintenance efficiency. The level of detail for management ranges from simple to complex, from broad to narrow. You can set universal global policies. There are three levels of single store and group store strategies, aimed at fulfilling various scenarios. 

 Cross-border international logistics are currently split into these methods: ◆ Method 1: On-site pick-up, with logistics companies supporting pick-up at your warehouse for shipment. ◆ Method 2: Self-delivery to a local warehouse, where you ship to a logistics collection point at a warehouse yourself. ◆Method 3: Self-delivery to an overseas warehouse. There is no delivery warehouse used as a logistics collection point. You have to send parcels to the logistics company via a domestic courier. In view of the special nature of cross-border logistics, the system offers a feature that segments logistics. You can collect packages from the same international logistics company for secondary packaging, printing domestic logistics forms, or for unified shipping to international logistics collection sites. This saves on costs and makes it easier to manage packages and track logistics information. 

◆ FBA stock: Includes features like FBA product management, inventory monitoring, stock plan creation, label printing, packing for shipments, and so on. The procedures are clear, smooth, and easy to master. ◆ Control of inbound and outbound processes: Flexible inbound and outbound management and control, used for purchases, sales, returns, re-issuing products, and other business scenarios. ◆ Warehouse planning: Separate management for storage, selection and defective products. Suitable for different scenarios, with rational use of storage space and more accurate inventory information. ◆ Configurable inventory calculation formulas: Flexibility in increasing or decreasing inventories according to products in transit, returns in transit, products waiting to go online, products awaiting approval to be sent, and so on. Compatible with the requirements of multiple operation scenarios. ◆Third-party warehouse inventory tracking: Dynamic monitoring of inbound and outbound movements for third-party warehouses, making records of changes to inventories, as well as adjusting the times for and causes of defective products. This helps you to better manage third-party warehouses.

旺店通跨境版 Features

  • 1. Product inventory management
  • 2. Order management
  • 3. Purchasing management
  • 4. Inventory management
  • 5. Financial management
  • 6. Statistics management
  • 7. FBA management 

旺店通跨境版 Functionality

  • Inventory and Order Management
  • Shipping Solutions
  • Feedback and Reviews
  • Buyer/Seller Messaging
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • 旺店通跨境版 Pricing

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    Who should use 旺店通跨境版

    Merchants on all platforms can use the system for inventory management.

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